How to Convert MHTML to JPG in C#

This quick tutorial will provide a guide on how to convert MHTML to JPG in C#. Document conversion is quite straightforward and can be done with just a few lines of code if you follow the tutorial’s step-by-step instructions. For demonstration purposes, we will write some sample code to convert MHTML to JPG using C#. Here are full instructions on how to use the feature.

Steps to Convert MHTML to JPG in C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET from website in the application
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for performing document conversion from MHTML to JPG format
  3. Initialize the Converter class by creating an instance of it and passing the MHTML file to its constructor
  4. Create an instance of the ImageConvertOptions class and define convert options for the JPG file
  5. Call the Convert method of the Converter class and pass the required parameters for saving the output file to the disk

The preceding step-by-step guide can be used to implement the C# MHTML to JPG converter feature. First, use the NuGet package manager to install the required package and reference the required namespace in the code. In the next steps, create an instance of the Converter class and feed the input MHTML file to its constructor, and set the convert options for the resulting JPG file using the ImageConvertOptions class. Finally, save the generated file to disc by using the Converter class’s Convert method.

Code to Convert MHTML to JPG in C#

In the following example, we have implemented MHTML to JPG converter in C# functionality with a few API calls. It does not require third-party tools for performing the basic document conversion discuss in this post. Further, you can enhance this sample code and may set many other convert options for the output image file. Moreover, MHTML file can be converted to other document formats such as XLTX, DOCX, XPS, TSV, PNG, PPS, and many more.

In this article, we discussed the conversion process for converting MHTML to JPG format and developed a sample code by consuming this guide. In our recent article, we looked on how to convert XLS to XLSX using C#; have a look at it for more information.
