How to Convert HTML to RTF in C#

Let’s quickly learn the document conversion process and how to convert HTML to RTF in C#. You do not need to install a third-party tool for doing document transformation and even without Microsoft Office. Further, we will create a sample code for HTML to RTF converter C# feature by consuming the instructions defined in this guide.

Steps to Convert HTML to RTF in C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet website in the application
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for performing document conversion from HTML to RTF format
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class and pass the HTML file to its constructor
  4. Create an object of the WordProcessingConvertOptions class and define convert options for the output RTF file
  5. Call the Convert method of the Converter class, pass the converted RTF file name and WordProcessingConvertOptions to it

In these steps, we simply install the required package and reference the appropriate namespace for implementing the HTML to RTF C# feature. Then, load the source HTML file and set convert options for the output RTF document. In the end, we will save the converted RTF file to the disk by using the Convert method.

Code to Convert HTML to RTF in C#

C# HTML to RTF feature is developed with a few API calls and just two-three lines of code. You may use this sample code as a starting point and consume WordProcessingConvertOptions class for defining various convert options for the RTF file. Moreover, you can easily convert HTML to a variety of other document formats such as TIFF, PPSM, PDF, MHT, PPTX, XLSX, and many more.

In this article, we have covered the conversion process for converting HTML to RTF format and created a sample code for it. In our last article, we looked on how to convert MHTML to JPG in C#; take a look at it for more information.
