How to Render PDF as PNG using C#

In the realm of software development, the need to render PDF documents as PNG images arises in various scenarios. Whether you are building a document management system, a PDF viewer, or simply need to convert PDFs into image files for visualization or sharing, knowing how to render PDF as image can be an invaluable skill. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process, step by step, providing you with the knowledge to render PDF as PNG using C#. Moreover, we will provide you the C# code for rendering PDF to PNG.

Steps to Render PDF as PNG using C#

  1. For PDF to PNG rendering, install GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET using the NuGet package manager
  2. Add GroupDocs.Viewer reference into your project to convert PDF to PNG
  3. Create Viewer class object by passing input PDF file’s path as an argument to its constructor
  4. Create object of PngViewOptions class and set properties for image’s width and height
  5. Call the Viewer.View method with view options to render PDF file as PNG

PNG is a popular picture format that preserves the visual elements of PDF files, making them appropriate for use as images. PNG files are small and straightforward to exchange. They are also print-ready, enabling you to keep the document’s appearance and quality. If you’ve installed .NET on your system, you can effortlessly implement the instructions outlined above on commonly used operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux to convert PDF pages to PNG in C#. The rendering process is further explained through the code example provided below.

Code to Render PDF as PNG using C#

In this guide, we’ve explored the key steps to render PDF as PNG in C#. By following these steps, you can effortlessly perform this rendering process for a wide range of applications, including web development, document management, and more. With this newfound knowledge, you can efficiently handle PDF to PNG conversions in your C# projects. After successfully setting up the recommended library and making necessary adjustments to file paths, integrating the rendering code into your projects becomes a simple and hassle-free task.

In our previous tutorial, we provided complete instructions about rendering PDF as HTML. If you need further assistance, we recommend referring to our article on how to render PDF as HTML using C#.
