How to Render DOCX as PDF using C#

The need to render Microsoft Word documents (DOCX) as PDF files is a common practice in various professional and personal scenarios. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the procedure on how to render DOCX as PDF using C#, providing you with the knowledge and library needed to accomplish this task effortlessly. Below, you’ll find the essential steps to create PDF from DOCX in C# along with a code example.

Steps to Render DOCX as PDF using C#

  1. Use the NuGet package manager to install GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET for rendering Word document to PDF
  2. Add GroupDocs.Viewer namespace reference into your project to export DOCX to PDF
  3. Create object of Viewer class by passing path of input DOCX as an argument to its constructor
  4. Get the view options by creating object of PdfViewOptions
  5. Call the Viewer.View method by passing PDFViewOptions as an argument to render DOCX file as PDF

A fundamental skill that is useful in many situations, from document sharing to professional document production, is the ability to render DOCX to PDF. You can reliably render PDF from DOCX using C# with these step-by-step instructions. These steps can be applied on various commonly used operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, provided that .NET is installed. There is no need for additional software installation when rendering DOCX to PDF. Below code example shows how to perform this rendering process.

Code to Render DOCX as PDF using C#

In the previous section, we shared a comprehensive guide on how to render DOCX to PDF in C#, complete with simple code example. The code is compact and involves just a few API calls to execute the document conversion. Once you’ve configured the recommended viewer library and made the necessary adjustments to file paths, you can seamlessly incorporate this code into your projects.

In our prior article, we delved into the process of rendering DOCX as HTML using C#. If you need further assistance, we recommend referring to our extensive tutorial on how to render DOCX as HTML using C#.
