How to Render DOCX as PDF using Java

Converting Microsoft Word documents (DOCX) into PDF files is a frequent requirement in both professional and personal contexts. In this extensive tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of rendering DOCX files as PDF using Java. We’ll supply you with the necessary knowledge and viewer library to perform this task with ease. Below, you’ll discover the key steps to render DOCX as PDF using Java. Also, you will get simple code example to create PDF from DOCX in Java.

Steps to Render DOCX as PDF using Java

  1. Use the Maven repository to install GroupDocs.Viewer for Java for rendering Word document to PDF
  2. Include the necessary class references essential for DOCX to PDF rendering
  3. Instantiate an object of the Viewer class by providing the input DOCX file path as an argument to its constructor
  4. Retrieve the view options by creating an instance of PdfViewOptions
  5. Call the Viewer.view method and provide view options as an argument to render the DOCX file as a PDF

Mastering the skill of converting DOCX to PDF is valuable in a wide range of scenarios, from document sharing to professional document production. You can confidently perform this task using Java by following these detailed instructions. These steps are applicable across commonly used operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, as long as you have Java installed. You won’t need to install any extra software to render PDF from DOCX using Java. The code example below demonstrates how to execute this rendering process.

Code to Render DOCX as PDF using Java

In the previous section, we provided an extensive tutorial on how to render DOCX to PDF in Java, complemented by a concise code example. The code is efficient and requires only a few API calls to accomplish the document conversion. After setting up the recommended viewer library and adjusting file paths as needed, you can effortlessly integrate this code into your projects.

In previous article, we explored the process of rendering DOCX to PDF. If you require additional support, we suggest consulting our comprehensive tutorial on how to render DOCX as HTML using C#.
