How to Sign JPEG with text signature using C#

Including JPEG images, text signatures provide unbreakable and secure way to verify the genuineness and integrity of electronic documents. After reading this tutorial, you will be able to sign JPEG with text signature using C#. It will help you to make your documents safer and make people trust your programs more. Let’s start with simple steps and quickly understand how to add text signature to JPEG using C#, with the help of an example in code.

Steps to Sign JPEG with text signature using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Signature for .NET via NuGet package manager in order to sign JPEG
  2. Include reference to the necessary namespaces for text signature in JPEG
  3. Create object of Signature class by passing input JPEG file’s path as an argument to its constructor
  4. Instantiate an object of TextSignOptions class and set the properties for the appearance of text signature in JPEG
  5. Call the Signature.Sign method by supplying the specified text signature options to save the resulting JPEG to disk

The Signature library is designed for seamless use across various platforms. You don’t have to install extra software to integrate text signature into JPEG in C#. The mentioned steps work on popular operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, as long as you have .NET installed. Whether you’re involved in a project or need to share signed images on different platforms, the capability to create text signature in JPEG is incredibly valuable. To gain a clearer understanding of how this is done, please take a look at the code example below.

Code to Sign JPEG with text signature using C#

using GroupDocs.Signature;
using GroupDocs.Signature.Domain;
using GroupDocs.Signature.Options;
namespace SignJPEGwithTextSignatureUsingCSharp
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set License to avoid the limitations of Signature library
License lic = new License();
// load the source JPG file
using (Signature signature = new Signature("input.jpg"))
// Set some options for text signature
TextSignOptions options = new TextSignOptions("John Smith")
// set signature position
Left = 100,
Top = 100,
// set signature rectangle
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
Font = new SignatureFont { Size = 12, FamilyName = "Comic Sans MS" },
Text = "Sign PDF using Text Signature",
DocumentType = DocumentType.Image,
Border = new Border { Visible = true }
// Save the output JPG to disk
signature.Sign("output.jpg", options);

Adding C# text signature on JPEG is a straightforward and efficient process, providing a way to guarantee the authenticity of your JPEG images. In this article, we’ve presented a comprehensive guide on how to insert a text signature into JPEG files using C#, along with a brief code example. Once you’ve set up the suggested signature library and adjusted the file paths as needed, integrating the provided code into your projects becomes a smooth and uncomplicated task.

Previously, we shared a detailed guide on signing JPEG files with a Barcode signature using C#. If you require additional help or more in-depth instructions, we encourage you to refer our extensive tutorial on the same topic, which provides comprehensive assistance on how to sign JPEG with Barcode signature using C#.
