Merge DOCX files using C#

In the realm of document management and manipulation, there often arises a need to merge multiple DOCX files into a single, cohesive document. Whether it’s for creating comprehensive reports, assembling chapters of a book, or consolidating various documents into one, the ability to merge DOCX files programmatically can be a valuable asset for developers. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to merge DOCX files using C#. The prerequisites to combine DOCX files in C# include a fundamental grasp of C# programming, having Visual Studio or another preferred C# development environment installed, and access to the Merger library.

Steps to Merge DOCX files using C#

  1. Configure your IDE to utilize GroupDocs.Merger for .NET for merging DOCX files
  2. Create an instance of the Merger class, passing the file path of the source DOCX as a constructor parameter
  3. Utilize the Merger.Join method to include additional DOCX files for merging
  4. Lastly, call the Merger.Save method, indicating the preferred filename for the merged DOCX file as a parameter

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and utilizing the provided code example, you can seamlessly merge multiple Word documents into a single, cohesive file, catering to various document management needs. You may experiment with different file combinations and configurations to suit your specific requirements and enhance your document manipulation capabilities. The provided instructions are compatible with popular operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, provided that .NET is installed. No extra software installations are required to join DOCX files using C#.

Code to Merge DOCX files using C#

using GroupDocs.Merger;
namespace MergeDOCXFilesUsingCSharp
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set License to avoid the limitations of Merger library
License lic = new License();
// Load the source DOCX file
using (Merger merger = new Merger(@"sample1.docx"))
// Add another DOCX file to merge
// Merge DOCX files and save result

After configuring the recommended document library and making any necessary adjustments to the file paths, integrating the code to merge DOCX files in C# into your projects should proceed seamlessly and without complications. In conclusion, mastering the art of merging DOCX files using C# opens up a world of possibilities for efficient document management and manipulation. Armed with the knowledge gained from this tutorial and the provided code examples, you are equipped to seamlessly integrate DOCX merging functionality into your projects.

In an earlier tutorial, we provided an extensive guide on merging PDF files using C#. For a more comprehensive understanding of this topic, we recommend referring to our detailed tutorial on how to merge PDF files using C#.
