Convert PDF to MD using Node.js

Handling various document formats is crucial for developers working with text-based content. One common requirement is converting a PDF file into Markdown (MD), a lightweight and widely used format for writing structured documents, documentation, and web content. In this article, we will explore how to convert PDF to MD using Node.js with the help of a powerful document processing library. By following a straightforward approach, you can efficiently extract content from a PDF file and transform it into a Markdown document. This guide will help you seamlessly export PDF to MD in Node.js, making content processing easier.

Steps to Convert PDF to MD using Node.js

  1. Set up and configure GroupDocs.Conversion for Node.js via Java to enable PDF to MD conversion
  2. Load the groupdocs.conversion package and apply the license to activate the conversion features
  3. Instantiate the Converter class and provide the file path to open the PDF document for processing
  4. Define the conversion settings using WordProcessingConvertOptions, specifying MD as the target output format
  5. Execute the convert method to process the PDF file and save the output as an MD file on disk

To accomplish this conversion, we use a robust document conversion library that streamlines the process. First, we set up the required library and load the PDF document using the Converter class, which facilitates easy file handling. Next, we define the conversion settings using the WordProcessingConvertOptions class, specifying MD as the target format. Finally, call the Converter.convert method to process the PDF and save the output as a Markdown file. This efficient approach allows developers to quickly generate MD from PDF in Node.js without losing the document structure or readability.

Code to Convert PDF to MD using Node.js

const conversion = require('@groupdocs/groupdocs.conversion')
const licensePath = "GroupDocs.Search.lic";
const license = new conversion.License()
// Load the input PDF file
const converter = new conversion.Converter("sample.pdf");
// Set the convert options
const options = new conversion.WordProcessingConvertOptions();
// Save output MD to disk
converter.convert("", options);
console.log('The end of process.');

Converting PDF files to Markdown format simplifies content editing, sharing, and integration into web-based applications. By following the steps outlined in this guide, developers can efficiently integrate PDF to MD conversion into their applications. This method ensures accurate text extraction and maintains document formatting for further processing. Whether you’re working on documentation, blog content, or structured text data, this approach makes it easy to change PDF to MD using Node.js for seamless content transformation.

We recently published a detailed guide on converting PDF to ODT using Node.js. For step-by-step instructions, visit our full tutorial on how to convert PDF to ODT using Node.js.
