How to Convert TSV to Excel using C#

This tutorial will focus on the procedure of how to convert TSV to Excel using C#, as well as how to configure the environment and provide a sample code to show the implementation of the TSV to Excel converter in C# functionality. This guide does not rely on any additional software and can be used on any of the popular operating systems including MS Windows, Linux, and macOS. Here are the key steps along with the working example for converting TSV to Excel in C#.

Steps to Convert TSV to Excel using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet package manager in the .NET application to convert TSV to Excel
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for developing the TSV to Excel conversion functionality
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class for loading the input TSV document
  4. Set convert options for the output Excel document by initializing the SpreadsheetConvertOptions class
  5. Finally, call the Convert method to generate Excel from TSV and save it to the disk

These points help you to quickly develop the functionality to convert TSV file to Excel using C# by consuming one of the best document conversion APIs. The document conversion process can be initiated by setting the required package from the NuGet website and adding a reference to the essential namespaces in the code. Then, the Converter class enables you to load the source TSV file for performing transformation and you may customize the converted Excel document by instantiating the SpreadsheetConvertOptions class. In the last step, you need to store the converted file on disk and the Convert method allows you to do it.

Code to Convert TSV to Excel using C#

In the preceding snippet, we have written the code for the C# TSV format to Excel conversion by following the stepwise instruction explained in the previous section. This sample code takes the TSV file as input and performs the transformation and saves the converted file to the disk. You may adapt this example as per your specific requirements for customizing the output Excel file by defining various parameters such as Zoom, Watermark, page number to start the conversion from, list of page indexes to be converted, and many more.

We have discussed the document conversion process to convert TSV to Excel in C# and developed a sample code for it. Recently, we published an article to change Text to HTML using C#, have a look at how to convert Text to HTML in C# guide for more information.
