How to Convert SVG to JPG using C#

In this how-to article, we describe the step-by-step process to convert SVG to JPG using C# by consuming one of the popular document conversion libraries. Further, this manual guides you on how to set up the environment for creating the SVG file converter to JPG in C# application. Here is the workflow and code snippet for converting SVG to JPG.

Steps to Convert SVG to JPG using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet package manager in the .NET application to convert SVG to JPG
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for converting from SVG to JPG format
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class for loading the input SVG file from the disk for transforming to JPG format
  4. Create and define parameters for the JPG file to customize it
  5. Finally, call the Convert method of the Converter class to save SVG as JPG on the disk

We have explained all the steps for creating code to convert SVG file to JPG in C#. The document conversion procedure should be initiated by setting up the required package using the NuGet package manager and then importing the essential namespaces in the code. Once you are done with the first two steps, you need to initialize the Converter class for loading the input SVG file and instantiate the ImageConvertOptions class for customizing the converted JPG file. In the last step, you have to consume the Convert method for transforming the document and saving it to the disk.

Code to Convert SVG to JPG using C#

In the preceding snippet, the change SVG to JPG using C# application is developed using the workflow defined in the previous section. We have only written a few lines of code and consumed a few API calls of the document conversion library for getting the converted file. Further, these instructions can be used on any of the common operating systems including Linux, Windows, and macOS that support a .NET environment and even without installing any additional software.

We have discussed the document conversion procedure to convert SVG to JPG in C# and developed an example for it. Recently, we published an article to change MD to PDF using C#, have a look at how to convert MD to PDF in C# guide for more information.
