How to Convert PNG to JPG using C#

This article focuses on how to perform document conversion from one image format to another and discusses the stepwise instructions to convert PNG to JPG using C#. Further, this guide contains information on how to configure the environment and how to use this guide for implementing the C# convert PNG to JPG functionality. Here are the key steps along with a sample code to convert PNG to JPG in C#.

Steps to Convert PNG to JPG using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet package manager in the .NET application to convert PNG to JPG
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for developing the PNG to JPG conversion functionality
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class for loading the input PNG file from the disk
  4. Create and set convert options for the JPG format
  5. Finally, call the Convert method to save PNG to JPG on the disk

You need to use the above points in a sequence for creating the C# PNG to JPG application. You can start the image conversion procedure by setting up the document conversion library and then include the essential classes in the code. The next step helps you to load the input PNG file by using the instructor of the Converter class and after that, you can set conversion parameters for customizing the converted JPG file. The last step enables you to do the transformation by calling the Convert method and storing the output file on the disk.

Code to Convert PNG to JPG using C#

The above code snippet shows the implementation of the PNG to JPG C# functionality. The application is developed by consuming the above workflow and with a couple of simple API calls of the document conversion library. You can easily use this code in your projects for doing image conversion without installing any third-party tool.

We have discussed the document conversion process to create PNG to JPG C# capability and developed an example for it. Recently, we published an article to change PPT to PPTX in C#, have a look at how to convert PPT to PPTX using C# guide for more information.
