How to Convert PDF to HTML using C#

The goal of this post is to explain to you how to convert PDF to HTML using C#. Following this guide, converting a document from PDF to HTML is a straightforward process. You only need to follow the steps below to convert PDF to HTML in C# to perform document transformation.

Steps to Convert PDF to HTML using C#

  1. Setup GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET plugin from the NuGet
  2. Include GroupDocs.Conversion namespace
  3. Create an object of the Converter class and load the source PDF file
  4. Create an instance of the MarkupConvertOptions class
  5. Pass parameters such as the converted file name and an instance of the MarkupConvertOptions class to the Converter class’s Convert method

These are the steps for putting the C# convert PDF to HTML capability into action. To begin, the Converter class is instantiated in order to load the source PDF document. Then, for the rendering document, create an instance of the MarkupConvertOptions class and set various properties. Finally, call the Convert method and specify an instance of the MarkupConvertOptions class, as well as the converted document’s file name.

Code to Convert PDF to HTML using C#

In the preceding example, we showed how to generate an HTML file from a PDF document using C# PDF to HTML code. Further, we have defined properties for the converted document such as the list of pages indexes and the number of pages. However, you can further set other properties including the starting page number, the zoom level, and many more of the rendering document.

In our last article, we examined the feature of converting a Word document to HTML in C#. If you want to learn more, check out the tutorial on how to convert Word Document to HTML using C#.
