How to Convert MHTML to HTML using C#

In this how-to tutorial, we will explain to you the complete instructions to convert MHTML to HTML using C#. Further, we will write sample code by following the instructions for the implementation of the convert MHTML to HTML c# capability. Below you can find the detailed instructions and sample code for performing conversion from MHTML to HTML.

Steps to Convert MHTML to HTML using C#

  1. Setup GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet website in the .NET application
  2. Import GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for document conversion from MHTML to HTML
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class and pass the MHTML file to its constructor
  4. Create an object of the MarkupConvertOptions class and set convert options for the output HTML file
  5. Call the Convert method of the Converter class, pass the output file name and MarkupConvertOptions to it

In the following section, we have written a step-by-step guide on how to convert MHTML to HTML in C#. First of all, install the required package from NuGet and add the necessary namespace in the code for performing document transformation. After that, create instances of the Converter and MarkupConvertOptions class. In the end, save the converted HTML file to the disk by calling the Convert method.

Code to Convert MHTML to HTML using C#

We have demonstrated in the above example how using C# MHTML to HTML converter functionality can be developed by using the instructions defined in the previous section. It only requires a few API calls for performing the document conversion and can be done on MS Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Further, you can quickly transform MHTML into various document formats including MD, DOT, TEX, TIFF, CSV, PNG, DOC, and many more.

We have discussed the process to convert MHTML to HTML and produced sample code for it in this guide. If you are interested to read our recent article on, see how to convert XML to HTML using C#.
