How to Convert JPG to XLSM in C#

In this quick how-to tutorial, we will show you how to perform document conversion using one of the popular document conversion libraries and convert JPG to XLSM in C#. We will also consume the instructions defined in this guide for the implementation of the JPG to XLSM converter in C#. Further, you can do document conversion without installing any additional software.

Steps to Convert JPG to XLSM in C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet in the .NET project for converting JPG to XLSM
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for performing document conversion from JPG to XLSM
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class and load the input JPG file for conversion
  4. Create an object of the SpreadsheetConvertOptions class and define parameters to customize the output XLSM document
  5. Save the converted XLSM document to the disk by calling the Convert method of the Converter class

We have created the above points to show you how to convert JPG to XLSM using C#. You just need to follow these instructions in order for performing the document conversion. Further, you only need to consume a few API calls and write three-four lines of code to do the document transformation from one format to another. Moreover, SpreadsheetConvertOptions class can be further used to customize the converted XLSM document.

Code to Convert JPG to XLSM in C#

We have created the above sample code to demonstrate to you how to convert JPG to XLSM using C#. You have to install the required library from the NuGet package manager in your project to run this example. You can also convert JPG documents to a number of other document formats such as PNG, POT, RTF, PPSX, DOCX, HTML, PDF, and many more.

We have discussed the process to convert JPG to XLSM and developed sample code for it in this guide. If you are interested to read our recent article on, visit how to convert HTML to Word using C#.
