How to Convert HTML to PPTX using C#

This article will focus on utilizing a popular library for document conversion and providing a detailed guide on how to convert HTML to PPTX using C#. HTML is a popular markup language used to create web pages, while PPTX is a file format used by Microsoft PowerPoint for creating presentations. There are instances where it is necessary to convert HTML pages to PPTX format. We will also provide detail about the configuration of conversion library and code example to export HTML to PPTX in C# in this tutorial.

Steps to Convert HTML to PPTX using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET by utilizing the NuGet package manager
  2. To convert HTML to PPTX, add the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace reference
  3. Create an instance of Converter class by passing path of HTML file to its constructor
  4. Get the conversion options by using Converter.GetPossibleConversions method
  5. To save the PPTX file to the disk, call the Convert.Save method

The step-by-step instructions mentioned above will help you efficiently utilize the capabilities of the best converter to generate PPTX from HTML in C#. The initial steps involve installing the document conversion package and adding the necessary namespace references to your project. Then, load the HTML document using Converter class and save the converted PPTX document to the disk using its save method. You can use the following code example on any commonly used operating system such as Windows, macOS, or Linux, where .NET is installed.

Code to Convert HTML to PPTX using C#

In the preceding section, we presented a comprehensive tutorial for converting HTML to PPTX C# along with a simple code example. The conversion procedure involves just a few API calls. Once you have installed the document conversion library and made necessary changes to the file paths, integrating the code example into your applications is a straightforward task.

Congratulations on acquiring the knowledge of converting an HTML file to a PPTX file using C#. We have previously covered a topic of converting XLSX to DOCX, and if you require additional help, you may refer to our guide on how to convert XLSX to DOCX using C#.
