How to Convert HTML to ODT using C#

In this article, we will walk you through the procedure to convert HTML to ODT using C#. Converting HTML to ODT (Open Document Text) can be a useful feature in many scenarios, such as when you want to generate printable documents from your website content. To get started with the conversion process, we will use conversion library, which provides a set of classes for working with HTML, including ODT files. Following are the steps you need to follow to export HTML to ODT in C#.

Steps to Convert HTML to ODT using C#

  1. Utilize the NuGet package manager to install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET
  2. Incorporate the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace reference into your project
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class by providing the constructor with the file path of the HTML file
  4. Retrieve the conversion options for ODT by calling the GetPossibleConversions method of the Converter class
  5. Call the Save method of the Converter class to save the generated ODT file to the disk

By following the steps outlined above and installing the conversion library on your system, you can seamlessly generate ODT from HTML in C#. As the conversion library is cross-platform, no additional software installation is needed to carry out the HTML to ODT conversion on widely used operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. The code example below describes how to convert an HTML file to ODT format using only a few lines of code.

Code to Convert HTML to ODT using C#

In the previous section, we presented an in-depth explanation of the conversion process HTML to ODT C#, with a simple code example. The code is brief and involves only a handful of API calls to carry out the document conversion. After setting up the recommended document conversion library and modifying the file paths, you can effortlessly incorporate this code into your projects.

We previously discussed the conversion of HTML to MHTML in an article, and if you need further assistance, you can refer to our tutorial on how to convert HTML to MHTML using C#.
