How to Convert HTML to MHTML using C#

This article aims to guide you through the comprehensive guide on how to convert HTML to MHTML using C#. Hyper Text Markup Language, commonly known as HTML, is a markup language utilized for designing web pages. MHTML is a web page archive format that can store HTML, images, and other related resources in a single file. With the help of the conversion library, you can easily generate MHTML from HTML in C# with a few simple steps. Additionally, you will get instructions on how to set up the library on any common operating system. Following are the vital steps and sample code example for converting an HTML file format to MHTML.

Steps to Convert HTML to MHTML using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET by using NuGet package manager
  2. Add the reference of GroupDocs.Conversion namespace into your project
  3. Instantiate the Converter class by passing the HTML file path to its constructor
  4. Obtain the conversion options by calling the GetPossibleConversions method of the Converter class
  5. Call the Save method of the Converter class to store the resulting MHTML file on disk

Converting HTML to MHTML in C# is a simple process that can be easily completed by following the step-by-step instructions mentioned earlier. These instructions are applicable on various popular operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, and do not require any additional software installation to export HTML to MHTML in C#. Since the library used in this example is cross-platform, it implies that the code given below can be executed on any system that has .NET installed.

Code to Convert HTML to MHTML using C#

A comprehensive guide for converting HTML to MHTML C# was presented in the preceding section, along with a simple code sample. The conversion process involves only a few API calls, and incorporating the provided code example into your applications is an effortless task once you install the document conversion library and modify the file paths accordingly.

In an earlier article, we talked about converting HTML to JPG, and if you require more guidance, you can consult our tutorial on how to convert HTML to JPG using C#.
