How to Convert HTML to Excel in C#

In this how-to tutorial, we explain to you every step in detail to convert HTML to Excel in C#. Although converting documents is not an easy job, you can do it quickly and easily by using one of the top document conversion libraries. The HTML to Excel converter C# capability can be developed with just a few API calls. You may find the detailed instructions and a sample of working code below.

Steps to Convert HTML to Excel in C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet in the .NET project for converting HTML to Excel
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace to transform Excel from HTML
  3. Instantiate Converter class and load the source HTML file for conversion
  4. Create an instance of the SpreadsheetConvertOptions class and set convert options for customizing the output XLSX file
  5. Finally, call the Convert method of the Converter class and pass the converted file path along with the SpreadsheetConvertOptions object to it

The convert HTML to Excel C# capability can be quickly developed with the help of the above points in a sequence. You can start implementing these instructions by installing the required package from the NuGet website and importing the essential namespace. Then, load the input HTML file by initializing the Converter class and customize the output Excel document by creating an object of the SpreadsheetConvertOptions class. In the last step, the resultant document can be saved on the disk by invoking the Convert method.

Code to Convert HTML to Excel in C#

The above sample code shows you how to develop the C# convert HTML to Excel capability. This is a working example and develop for performing the basic document conversion from one format to another. However, you may extend the code by defining parameters for the converted file to customize it.

We have discussed the document conversion process for developing the HTML to XLSX C# feature. Previously, we had published an article to transform XML to PDF using C#, see how to convert XML to PDF in C# for more information.
