How to Convert HTML to DOCX using C#

This article focuses on converting documents with the help of a popular library and provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to convert HTML to DOCX using C#. It also includes a code example to help you to export HTML to DOCX in C#. By following the instructions provided, you can quickly and easily convert HTML files to DOCX format. The following steps are required for HTML to DOCX conversion.

Steps to Convert HTML to DOCX using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET by using the NuGet package manager
  2. Add namespace reference of GroupDocs.Conversion into your project
  3. By passing the HTML file’s path to the constructor, create a new instance of the Converter class
  4. Get the conversion options of DOCX by calling the Converter.GetPossibleConversions method
  5. Call the Converter.Save method to save the output DOCX

HTML is a widely used language for creating web pages and other digital documents. However, there are times when you may need to convert HTML to a different format, such as DOCX. You can utilize the above-mentioned steps to generate DOCX from HTML in C#. The good news is that these steps can be performed on popular operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, provided that .NET is installed. Following code example shows how to export the input HTML to DOCX file format.

Code to Convert HTML to DOCX using C#

There is no need to install any additional software for conversion process HTML to DOCX C#. Moreover, the library used in the above code example is cross-platform, allowing you to execute the code on any operating system where .NET is installed. Once you have installed the suggested document conversion library and made necessary adjustments to the file paths, you can easily integrate this code into your projects.

We have already covered the conversion of HTML to ODT in a previous article. If you require additional help, you can refer to our tutorial on how to convert HTML to ODT using C# for further assistance.
