How to Convert Excel to Image in C#

In this how-to article, you will find a complete guide to convert Excel to Image in C# by consuming one of the best document converter APIs. You will also learn how to configure the environment for performing document transformation and provide a working code to show the implementation of the convert Excel to Image C# application. Below you can find the stepwise instructions as well as a sample code snippet to convert Excel to Image using C#.

Steps to Convert Excel to Image in C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET package from the NuGet package manager in the .NET application to convert Excel to Image
  2. Add a reference to the GroupDocs.Conversion namespace for developing the Excel to Image conversion functionality
  3. Create an object of the Converter class for loading the input Excel file
  4. Define convert options for the output Image file by initializing the ImageConvertOptions class
  5. Finally, call the Convert method for generating PNG from Excel and store it on the disk

We have created the stepwise instructions that are required to develop the C# Excel to Image converter capability. These steps are very easy to use on any of the common operating systems like MS Windows, macOS, and Linux that support a .NET environment. Further, you do not have to set up any other third-party tool for following these points to do the document transformation. Moreover, the document transformation application can be quickly created by writing a few lines of code and consuming a couple of API calls of the document conversion library.

Code to Convert Excel to Image in C#

You can see in the above code snippet, the Excel to Image C# application is developed using the steps defined in this guide. We have loaded the input Excel file by initializing the Converter class after configuring the document conversion package and importing the essential namespaces. After that, we have initialized the ImageConvertOptions class for defining the parameters to customize the converted image file. However, we have performed basic document conversion in this example and you may enhance it by setting various properties using the ImageConvertOptions object such as Brightness, FlipMode, Width, Height, Rotation angel, and many more. In the end, we have called the Convert method that has generated the PNG file and saved it to the disk.

We have discussed the document conversion process of converting Excel to Image in C# and developed a sample code for it. Recently, we published an article to change TSV to Excel in C#, have a look at how to convert TSV to Excel using C# guide for more information.
