How to Convert DOCX to ODT using C#

Microsoft Word’s DOCX and LibreOffice’s ODT are two popular document formats that serve slightly different purposes. While DOCX is commonly associated with Microsoft Word and widely used for creating and editing documents, ODT is an open standard format supported by various word processing applications, including LibreOffice. In various software applications, converting documents from one format to another is a common task. If you want to convert DOCX to ODT using C#, you are in the right place. In this article, we will walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to export DOCX to ODT in C#.

Steps to Convert DOCX to ODT using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET via NuGet package manager with the aim of converting DOCX to ODT
  2. Include the namespace reference of GroupDocs.Conversion in your project to enable the conversion from DOCX to ODT
  3. Instantiate the Converter class object by providing the path of DOCX file to its constructor
  4. Call the Converter.GetPossibleConversions method to get conversion options for ODT
  5. Call the Converter.Save method to save output ODT on disk

The ability to convert DOCX to ODT holds significant value, especially in scenarios involving cross-platform compatibility or transformation between diverse word processing applications. Through the utilization of the conversion library, you can automate this process, ensuring that your documents remain accessible in a multitude of formats. Whether you are involved in a project or aiming to distribute documents across various platforms, possessing the capability to transform DOCX to ODT using C# yields notable advantages. For practical insights into the conversion procedure, take a closer look at the provided code snippet below.

Code to Convert DOCX to ODT using C#

In the previous section, we provided code and steps to generate ODT from DOCX in C#. The code is succinct and encompasses only a few essential API calls, guaranteeing the seamless execution of the document conversion. With the .NET framework installed, you can effortlessly carry out the conversion across prevalent operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. After effectively configuring the recommended conversion library and making necessary adjustments to the file paths, integrating the code for converting DOCX to ODT into your projects becomes a straightforward endeavor.

In a previous topic, we provided an in-depth, step-by-step guide on how to convert MSG to XPS using C#. If you need further guidance, we recommend referring to our comprehensive tutorial on how to convert MSG to XPS using C#.
