How to Convert TXT to XLSX using Java

This tutorial offers a detailed guide on how to convert TXT to XLSX using Java. TXT, or plain text, is a commonly used format for storing textual data. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to convert this data to a more organized format, such as XLSX. The article presents a step-by-step approach to building a sample application using a popular conversion library to generate XLSX from TXT using Java. It also includes instructions for configuring the document conversion package to ensure smooth document transformation.

Steps to Convert TXT to XLSX using Java

  1. To add GroupDocs.Conversion for Java to your project, you can utilize the Maven repository for installation
  2. Add reference to the essential classes for performing document conversion from TXT to XLSX
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class and pass the file path of the input TXT file as an argument to its constructor
  4. Retrieve the available conversion options for XLSX by calling the Converter.getPossibleConversions method
  5. Store the resulting XLSX file on the hard drive by using the method

We have presented the basic procedure with all steps to export TXT to XLSX in Java. As you can see, this task can be achieved with minimal lines of Java code for document conversion. The provided code snippet is applicable on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, as long as Java is installed.

Code to Convert TXT to XLSX using Java

In the previous section, we shared a detailed explanation of the process TXT to XLSX Java, along with a simple code example. The code is concise, and the conversion of documents only requires a few API calls. Once you install the document conversion library and modify the input and output file paths, it becomes easy to incorporate the aforementioned code example into your own applications.

During this discussion, we covered the process of converting TXT files to XLSX format and provided an example code for it. We also shared an article on the conversion of TXT to PPTX earlier. If you’re interested in learning more, you can refer to our article on how to convert TXT to PPTX using Java.
