How to Convert PDF to Word in Java

We’ll look at how to convert PDF to Word in Java in this tutorial. In some circumstances, you will need to make modifications to a PDF document, which will need to convert it to an editable format. This article provides step-by-step instructions as well as sample code to convert PDF to Word using Java.

Steps to Convert PDF to Word in Java

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for Java from Maven repository in your application
  2. Create an object of the Converter class and load the source PDF file
  3. Create an instance of the WordProcessingConvertOptions class
  4. Use the Convert method of the Converter class to perform conversion and provide the required arguments

Following these steps allows you to quickly convert PDF to DOCX using Java. You only need to add a reference to the needed classes after installing the appropriate library from the Maven repository. After that, initialize the Converter and WordProcessingConvertOptions classes, and then call the Convert function to convert the document.

Code to Convert PDF to Word in Java

We’ve gone over using Java convert PDF to Word functionality in detail, as well as generated sample code for it. In this tutorial, we have converted the document from PDF to DOCX format. However, you can convert any source document to the following formats such as DOC, DOCM, DOT, DOTX, RTF, ODT, OTT, Mobi, and Txt.

If you want to learn document conversion to PDF from Excel in Java, check out our post at how to convert Excel to PDF using Java.
