How to Convert PDF to Text using Java

This quick tutorial describes the step-by-step procedure to convert PDF to Text using Java. It provides complete information on installing the document conversion library, stepwise instructions to do document transformation, and a sample code snippet to demonstrate the implementation to convert PDF to Text in Java. Here are the detailed instructions along with a functional example to export PDF as Text.

Steps to Convert PDF to Text using Java

  1. Install GroupDocs.Conversion for Java from the Maven repository for implementing PDF to Text converter Java capability
  2. Import essential classes for performing document transformation from PDF to Text
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class and pass the input PDF file to its constructor
  4. Create an object of the WordProcessingConvertOptions class and define parameters for customizing the output Text file
  5. Finally, save the resultant Text file to the disk by using the Convert method

The above steps help you to quickly create the convert PDF to Text Java functionality. You can start the document conversion process by initializing the Converter class after configuring the required library and importing the necessary classes. Then, define the conversion format for the output text file by creating an instance of the WordProcessingConvertOptions class. In the end, the Convert method allows you to save the resultant document to disk.

Code to Convert PDF to Text using Java

In the preceding code snippet, you can see how Java get Text from PDF is implemented for performing the document conversion with just a couple of API calls. You can run this sample code on any platform such as MS Windows, Linux, and Mac OS without installing any third-party tool. You can also modify this code as per your specific requirements.

We have discussed the detailed instructions for developing the Java convert PDF to Text capability. Recently, we published an article on converting Word Document to Image using Java, take a look at how to convert Word Document to Image in Java post for more information.
