How to Convert PDF to HTML in Java

This tutorial describes how to convert PDF to HTML in Java. PDF document serves as the source file and will be converted to HTML. This article covers basic document transformation from one format to another by using java code to convert PDF to HTML. However, you can assign various attributes to the transformed document so that it renders according to your specifications.

Steps to Convert PDF to HTML in Java

  1. Setup GroupDocs.Conversion for Java from the Maven repository
  2. Create a Converter class instance and load the source PDF document
  3. Create an object of the MarkupConvertOptions class
  4. Call Convert method of the Converter class, provide the file name of the converted HTML file and instance of the MarkupConvertOptions class

These instructions will walk you through the process of implementing the Java convert PDF to HTML feature for document transformation. In general, document conversion could be accomplished in a few steps: download the library from the Maven repository, initialize relevant classes, and then use the appropriate method to convert the document to the desired format.

Code to Convert PDF to HTML in Java

This code shows how to do a basic document conversion. This article explains how to convert PDF to HTML using Java. You can, however, give any source document, including Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and other formats, and have them converted to HTML format. Furthermore, you can produce either fixed-position or flow-position DOM elements.

This post demonstrates how to convert PDF to HTML using Java. However, if you would like to learn document conversion for Excel to PDF using Java, you can review our topic on how to convert Excel to PDF using Java.
