How to Convert DOCX to RTF using Java

This guide offers a set of sequential instructions to convert DOCX to RTF using Java, accompanied by a code sample. This tutorial will also provide guidance on setting up the conversion library on various operating systems. Both DOCX and RTF are commonly used document file formats for creating, storing, and sharing text documents. You can export DOCX to RTF using Java with just a few simple steps by using the conversion library. Below are the essential steps and a sample code to convert a DOCX file to an RTF document using Java.

Steps to Convert DOCX to RTF using Java

  1. To perform DOCX to RTF conversion, download and integrate GroupDocs.Conversion for Java from the Maven repository
  2. To transform documents from DOCX to RTF format, import the required classes
  3. Create an instance of the Converter class by providing the path of the input DOCX file as a parameter to initialize the object
  4. Retrieve the desired conversion options by using the Converter.getPossibleConversions method
  5. Finally, use the method to save the resulting RTF file to disk

The aforementioned step-by-step instructions can be used to complete the simple process to transform DOCX to RTF in Java. The Converter class is the main class responsible for document conversion and can be utilized to convert documents with the use of the conversion options obtained from the getPossibleConversions method. Here’s a code example that illustrates the process of converting DOCX to RTF using a few simple steps.

Code to Convert DOCX to RTF using Java

This topic covered all the necessary steps involved in converting process Java DOCX to RTF, along with a code example. You don’t need to install any extra software to utilize the conversion library on commonly used operating systems such as Windows, Linux, or macOS. Once you have set up the document conversion library and made the necessary adjustments to the file paths, integrating this code into your projects will be effortless.

Guidance on how to convert a DOCX file into the RTF document format has been provided, along with an illustrative code snippet. We have previously shared a guide on how to convert DOCX to MHTML using Java. For further details, please refer to our tutorial how to convert DOCX to MHTML using Java.
