How to Add Replacement Annotation in PDF using C#

In this tutorial, we’ll look at utilizing the most popular annotation library to add replacement annotation in PDF using C#. We will guide you through the step-by-step process, including the installation of annotation library and providing a code example. The replacement annotation distinguishes out among the many sorts of annotations because it enables users to replace unique content of PDF with alternative text. Here are the complete steps to insert replacement annotation to PDF in C#.

Steps to Add Replacement Annotation in PDF using C#

  1. Install GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET via the NuGet package manager for adding replacement annotation in PDF
  2. Add reference of GroupDocs.Annotation namespace into your project
  3. Instantiate an instance of the Annotator class by providing the PDF file path as an argument to its constructor
  4. Instantiate ReplacementAnnotation class object and specify the required attributes, such as the position and page number
  5. Call the Annotator.Add method and pass the object of ReplacementAnnotation class as an argument
  6. Call the Annotator.Save method to store the output PDF to the disk

You may easily create replacement annotation in PDF using C# by following the steps provided above. As long as .NET is present, these instructions work with widely used operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. There is no need to install any additional software to add replacement annotations to a PDF file. The code example below demonstrates how to insert a replacement annotation into a PDF.

Code to Add Replacement Annotation in PDF using C#

using GroupDocs.Annotation;
using GroupDocs.Annotation.Models;
using GroupDocs.Annotation.Models.AnnotationModels;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
namespace AddReplacementAnnotationinPDFUsingCSharp
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set License to avoid the limitations of Annotation library
License lic = new License();
// Instantiate Annotator object by passing path of PDF
// file to its constructor
using (Annotator annotator = new Annotator("input.pdf"))
ReplacementAnnotation replacement = new ReplacementAnnotation
CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
FontColor = 65535,
Message = "This is replacement annotation",
Opacity = 0.7,
PageNumber = 0,
FontSize = 11,
Points = new List<Point>
new Point(80, 730), new Point(240, 730), new Point(80, 650), new Point(240, 650)
Replies = new List<Reply>
new Reply
Comment = "First comment",
RepliedOn = DateTime.Now
new Reply
Comment = "Second comment",
RepliedOn = DateTime.Now
TextToReplace = "replaced text"
// Add replacement annotation
// Save the final PDF to disk

By adhering the guidelines mentioned in this topic, C# add replacement annotation is an easy task. After installing the document annotation library and adjusting the input and output file paths to fit your needs, incorporating the code into your applications should be a smooth experience. Congratulations! You have successfully implemented a replacement annotation in a PDF document using C# programming language.

A detailed description of how to insert text redaction annotation in PDF using C# may be found in a previous article. For a more detailed understanding of this topic, we recommend referring to our comprehensive guide on how to add text redaction annotation in PDF using C#.
