How to Add Polyline Annotation using Java

We will briefly explain to you the complete process to add polyline annotation using Java. You do not need to install any additional software to add polyline annotation to a PDF document. You will also find a working example to show you the implementation to add polyline annotation in Java. Here you can find a step-by-step process along with a sample code for adding polyline annotation.

Steps to Add Polyline Annotation using Java

  1. Install GroupDocs.Annotation for Java from the Maven repository in the Java project
  2. Import the required classes for adding polyline annotation to PDF document
  3. Create an instance of the Annotator class and pass the input file to its constructor
  4. Create an object of the PolylineAnnotation class and define properties for the polyline annotation
  5. Call the add method of the Annotator class and pass the PolylineAnnotation object to it
  6. Finally, call the save method of the Annotator class and provide the output PDF document path

We have created the above points that allow you to quickly create the polyline annotation Java feature. You can start configuring your project by installing the required library and importing essential classes. Then, initialize the Annotator class by passing the input PDF document, initiate PolylineAnnotation, and set properties for the polyline annotation. In the final steps, add annotation and save the output file to the disk.

Code to Add Polyline Annotation using Java

import com.groupdocs.annotation.license.License;
import com.groupdocs.annotation.Annotator;
import com.groupdocs.annotation.models.PenStyle;
import com.groupdocs.annotation.models.Rectangle;
import com.groupdocs.annotation.models.Reply;
import com.groupdocs.annotation.models.annotationmodels.PolylineAnnotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class AddPolylineAnnotationUsingJava {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Remove the watermark in output document by adding license
License lic = new License();
// Load the source PDF file
Annotator annotator = new Annotator("sample.pdf");
try {
// Create an instance of Reply class and add comments
Reply reply1 = new Reply();
reply1.setComment("First comment");
Reply reply2 = new Reply();
reply2.setComment("Second comment");
java.util.List < Reply > replies = new ArrayList < Reply > ();
// Create an instance of AreaAnnotation class and set options
PolylineAnnotation polyline = new PolylineAnnotation();
polyline.setBox(new Rectangle(250, 35, 102, 12));
polyline.setMessage("This is a polyline annotation");
polyline.setPenWidth((byte) 3);
// Add annotation and save to file
} finally {
if (annotator != null) {

In the preceding example, we have created Java code for polyline annotation to demonstrate the working of this feature. You can see that we have consumed a few API calls for adding an annotation to the PDF document. Moreover, you can add various annotations including Area, Arrow, Distance, Highlight, Link, Replacement, Strikeout, and many more.

We have covered the step-by-step procedure for adding polyline annotation in Java and developed a functional example. Recently, we had published an article on extracting annotations from PDF documents in Java, see how to Extract Annotations from PDF in Java post for more information.
