How to Add Point Annotation in PDF using Java

The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate the procedure of how to add point annotation in PDF using Java. Point annotations enable you to mark specific points on a page, offering additional information or emphasizing important areas. Whether you need to indicate a particular location, draw attention to a specific detail, or annotate a crucial point, the addition of point annotations can enhance the usability and clarity of your PDF documents. We will provide a step-by-step guide to set up the annotation library and present a code example that illustrates how to insert point annotation to PDF in Java.

Steps to Add Point Annotation in PDF using Java

  1. Utilize the Maven repository to incorporate GroupDocs.Annotation for Java into your project for the insertion of point annotation in PDF
  2. Include the required classes for adding the point annotation into PDF
  3. Create a new instance of the Annotator class by providing the PDF file path as an argument to its constructor
  4. Create an instance of the PointAnnotation class and define the necessary properties, such as the position, page number, and any other relevant parameters
  5. Call the Add method of the Annotator class, passing the PointAnnotation object as a parameter
  6. Call the method to save the modified PDF onto the disk

By following the provided instructions and installing the annotation library on any computer, you can easily and quickly create point annotation in PDF using Java. These steps are compatible with popular operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, as long as Java is installed. No additional software installation is required to incorporate point annotations into a PDF file. Moreover, the library used in the provided code example is cross-platform, ensuring compatibility across different systems.

Code to Add Point Annotation in PDF using Java

In the preceding section, we presented a comprehensive guide on point annotation in PDF Java, accompanied by a concise and illustrative code example. Once you have installed the document annotation library and customized the input and output file paths as per your requirements, integrating the code into your applications should be a smooth and effortless process. Congratulations! You have now successfully added a point annotation to a PDF file using Java.

Previously, we published an article that provides a detailed explanation of how to insert a redaction annotation in a PDF using Java. If you are looking for more extensive information, we recommend consulting our comprehensive guide on how to add redaction annotation to PDF using Java.
